Купить навесной дизель-генератор Carrier POWERLINE® GENSET UG15 TIER 4

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- автотранспортною компанією за заявкою Виконавця, за рахунок Замовника
- автотранспортною компанією за заявкою Замовника
- автотранспортною компанією за заявкою Виконавця, за рахунок Замовника

- передоплата 100%
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розстрочка до 6 місяців
передоплата 50% до відвантаження і 50% в момент прибуття до Замовника
розстрочка до 6 місяців

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Цена по запросу
POWERLINE UG15 TIER 4WITH THE NEW POWERLINE® GENERATOR SETS, TIER 4 COMPLIANCE IS SURPRISINGLY SIMPLE WHILE FUEL SAVINGS ARE A BIG BENEFIT.Carrier’s newest PowerLINE generator sets deliver improved performance while achieving compliance with the 2013 Tier 4 emissions standard from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).This upgraded line of PowerLINE generator sets incorporate ecoFORWARD™ technologies, resulting in a platform that is Carrier’s most fuel-efficient models to date, thanks to standard inclusion of the formerly optional FuelWise™ technology and use of a new ultra-high-efficiency 15 kW custom-designed permanent magnet generator. Fuel savings of up to 34% versus prior standard units provide customer with significant operational cost savings and longer hauls prior to refueling.The enhanced PowerLINE units provide uninterrupted power to operate ISO container refrigeration systems when used over land in intermodal applications. At the heart of the new platform is the ultra-high efficiency permanent magnet generator that allows the power drawn from the engine to be reduced by 20%. Common to this new Tier4 PowerLINE platform is the familiar 2.2-liter diesel engine now rated at 18.5 kW. This engine is based on Carrier’s current engine line, with its well-accepted speed sensor and electronic governor. Providing customers with a familiar, reliable engine means that their personnel do not have to learn operate and deal with complex new engine technology in the field while reaping the operational benefits of our high efficiency compliance platform.The PowerLINE Tier 4 platform is compliant with U.S. EPA Tier 4. It is also compliant with California Air Resources Board (CARB) standards upon purchase and for seven years thereafter without further modification. After seven years CARB requires further emissions reductions for the engine class (8-19 KW) for units operating in California. In response, Carrier developed an optional engine emissions system (EES)* for the Tier 4 PowerLINE models, designed to achieve compliance with CARB’s ultra-low diesel emissions standard known as ULETRU. Tier 4 PowerLINE units will need to be fitted with the EES option by the end of the seventh year, if they are to remain in use in California. The option would be available as either a factory or field install option