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PTI: reefer container performance test

PTI  or PreTrip Inspection is a test done to see if the reefer operates properly. This test should be done before transportation of any chilled cargo, as well as when the refrigeration plant breaks down or the reefer container demonstrates any faulty operations. This test examines the operation of all units and plants utilized by the reefer to reveal any failures and check the connection with the control unit. Good results here depend on both efficient performance of each element within the plant and compatibility of settings and software with the model of the plant utilized by the reefer container. Findings are confirmed by a PTI upload file. The said PTI file shall adequately confirm that the test was successfully passed and guarantee efficient performance of the whole reefer container and all of its parts. You can order a PTI at our company.

G C S - Global Container Service - is one of the largest, swiftest and most independent companies engaged in maintenance and PTI's in Ukraine. We can travel anywhere within Ukraine to do maintenance, repairs and testing for reefer containers. Our head office is in Odessa. Our dealers operate all over Ukraine. We offer to make a maintenance contract which includes a maintenance application form.

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