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Refmechanics (refrigerators) courses

Training of seafarers.
"Maintenance of reefer containers by advanced program."
Course objectives: acquiring skills necessary for maintenance, diagnostics and repair of malfunctions, accumulation of practical experience in accordance with international safety standards and regulations for maintenance and repair of reefer containers from manufacturers Carrier, StarCool, Daikin, Thermo King.
Duration of the course: the training course is 27.5 hours, of which 16.5 hours of lectures, 10 hours of practical exercises, 1 hour off-site control, and includes 15 sections that cover all aspects of the training program. The training takes place over 4 days, from 9.00 to 17.00, with a lunch break.
 "Reefer container service in a short term course".
Course objectives: acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge in servicing reefer  containers from the manufacturers Thermo King, Carrier, Daikin, Star Cool. Accumulation of practical experience in accordance with international safety standards and regulations for the maintenance of reefer containers.
Course duration: the training course is 14.0 hours, of which 8.75 hours of lectures, 4.75 hours of practical exercises, 0.5 hours of day off, and includes 10 sections covering all issues of the program. The training takes place over 2 days, from 9.00 to 17.00, with a lunch break.